About the International Feuchtwanger SocietyOn 11 July 2001 scholars and journalists from the US and Europe came together in Pacific Palisades (Los Angeles) to found the International Feuchtwanger Society. The Society aims to increase awareness of the life and works of Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger and other German émigrés who settled in Southern California during and after the Nazi period. Lion Feuchtwanger was a best-selling author in the US and pre-war Europe who became an important cultural link between the two continents.The Society issues a regular Newsletter and holds a series of conferences alternating between the US and Europe. The first conference, scheduled for spring 2003, was co-sponsored by the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library of the University of Southern California. It took place at the Villa Aurora, the Feuchtwanger's former home in Pacific Palisades. Subsequent conferences took place in Sanary-sur-Mer, France (2005), Los Angeles (2007), Vienna (2009), Los Angeles (2011), Berlin (2013), Los Angeles (2015), Paris (2017), Munich (2019), Los Angeles (2022), with additional "Mini-conferences" in Halle and Toledo. The next IFS conference will take place in 2024 in London. MembershipAll International Feuchtwanger Society members receive the IFS newsletter from the International Feuchtwanger Society as a benefit of membership and are invited to participate in the society's symposia. The society welcomes submissions to the newsletter in English, German, French, Russian, or Italian.Regular membership in the IFS is $30/year. Student and Emeritus memberships are $20/year, and Life memberships are $300.To join the International Feuchtwanger Society, please download and complete the current form in PDF format.Officers & ContactThe 2023-2024 IFS officers were elected following the 2022 Conference. These officers will hold their positions until the next elections are held following to the 2024 IFS Conference. See IFS Constitution & Bylaws.President: Tanja Kinkel (Term of office 2023-2024)Vice President: Frank Stern (Term of office 2023-2024)Secretary: Marje Schuetze-CoburnTreasurer: Michaela UllmannJournal Editor: Birgit Maier-KatkinMembers-at-Large: Adrian Feuchtwanger, Anne Hartmann, Andreas Heusler and Heike SpechtInternational Feuchtwanger Societyc/o Feuchtwanger Memorial LibraryDoheny Memorial Library 206University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 90089-0189USA 2024 IFS ConferenceThe Feuchtwangers and Britain. From Weimar to Hope - Exile from the Interwar to the Postwar PeriodSenate House, University of London, September 12-14, 2024, London, United KingdomThe eleventh biennial meeting of the International will take place September 12-14, 2024 in London, United Kingdom. The conference is jointly organized by the Leo Baeck Institute London, the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies, University of London, and the International Feuchtwanger Society.The conference centers around the idea of Britain, the British Commonwealth, and the British Mandate of Palestine as hub and transit for Jews, intellectuals, artists, and political opponents of the National Socialist regime in the interwar and postwar years.A special focus of the conference is the Feuchtwanger family, their lives, work, and networks in relationship with Britain and the role that Britain played as a waystation for members of the Feuchtwanger family and other exiles.The conference will discuss the importance of the immigration to and through Britain and the cultural exchange of exiles during their time in Great Britain and other regions under British influence, the short and long-term impact of these experiences such as the influence of British artists and British cultural politics on German-speaking artists and vice versa.Other topics that will be explored include the Feuchtwanger family’s relationship with British literature and publishing around the time of WWI; the reception of German-speaking exiles during the interwar years and the administrative hurdles, prejudices, economic burdens they faced; the role(s) of women, including their motivations to leave Germany, and gender dynamics in exile in general. Further areas to be considered: the impact of the British Mandate in Palestine on Jewish exile and its cultural and publishing efforts; the effects of exile on literary and artistic works for those starting anew in a different culture and language; the role of English translations of Lion Feuchtwanger’s work (and the work of others) as a prerequisite for the American exile; the reception of Lion Feuchtwanger’s work as a Jewish writer and thinker; and the reception of new translations of Lion Feuchtwanger’s work by audiences today. The conference is available to attend in-person and by live streaming. Please note sessions will not be recorded.A selection of revised conference papers will be published in a volume of the Feuchtwanger Studies series (Peter Lang: Oxford).Conference languages: German and English.The conference schedule is here.Information about speakers and talks can be found here.Registration for the conference is now open.To register, visit the registration page on the website for the University of London's Institute of Languages, Cultures, and Societies at the the School of Advanced Study. Please register for both in-person and virtual attendance. If you have questions, please contact Marje Schuetze-Coburn - schuetze@usc.edu. Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal / IFS NewsletterFeuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 40, 2024Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 39, 2023Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 38, 2023Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 37, 2022Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 36, 2022Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 35, 2021Feuchtwanger and Exile Studies Journal, Vol. 34, 2021IFS Newsletter, Vol. 33, 2021IFS Newsletter, Vol. 32, 2020IFS Newsletter, Vol. 31, 2020 Special EditionIFS Newsletter, Vol. 30, 2019IFS Newsletter, Vol. 29, 2019IFS Newsletter, Vol. 28, 2018IFS Newsletter, Vol. 27, 2018IFS Newsletter, Vol. 26, 2018IFS Newsletter, Vol. 25, 2018IFS Newsletter, Vol. 24, 2017IFS Newsletter, Vol. 23, 2017IFS Newsletter, Vol. 22, 2017IFS Newsletter, Vol. 21, 2016IFS Newsletter, Vol. 20, 2016IFS Newsletter, Vol. 19a, 2016IFS Newsletter, Vol. 19, 2016IFS Newsletter, Vol. 18, 2015IFS Newsletter, Vol. 17, 2014IFS Newsletter, Vol. 16, 2014IFS Newsletter, Vol. 15, 2014IFS Newsletter, Vol. 14, 2013IFS Newsletter, Vol. 13, 2013IFS Newsletter, Vol. 12, 2012IFS Newsletter, Vol. 11, 2012IFS Newsletter, Vol. 10, 2011IFS Newsletter, Vol. 9, 2010IFS Newsletter, Vol. 8, 2010IFS Newsletter, Vol. 7, 2009IFS Newsletter, Vol. 6, 2008IFS Newsletter, Vol. 5, 2007IFS Newsletter, Vol. 4, 2006IFS Newsletter, Vol. 3, 2005IFS Newsletter, Vol. 2, no. 1, 2004IFS Newsletter, Vol. 1, no. 1, 2003 Feuchtwanger Studies Series - Edited by Frank SternVOLUME 8Tamara Fröhler and Andreas Heusler (eds.)Feuchtwanger und MünchenPeter Lang, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2022. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 8ISBN 978-1-80079-748-2 (Softcover)VOLUME 7Daniel Azuélos, Andrea Chartier-Bunzel, Frédéric Teinturier (eds.)FEUCHTWANGER UND DIE ERINNERUNGSKULTUR IN FRANKREICH / Feuchtwanger et la culture mémorielle en FrancePeter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2020. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 7ISBN 978-1-78997-688-7 (Softcover)ISBN 978-1-78997-718-9 (eBook)VOLUME 6Paul Lerner and Frank Stern (eds.)FEUCHTWANGER AND JUDAISMHistory, Imagination, ExilePeter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2015. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 6ISBN 978-1-78874-556-7 (Softcover)ISBN 978-1-78874-557-4 (eBook)VOLUME 5Isabel Hernandez (ed.)SPANIENBILDER AUS DEM DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN EXIL BEI FEUCHTWANGER UND SEINEN ZEITGENOSSENPeter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 5ISBN 978-78707-150-6VOLUME 4Geoffrey V. Davis (ed.)FEUCHTWANGER UND BERLINPeter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2015. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 4ISBN 978-3-0343-1863-1 (Softcover)ISBN 978-3-0353-0689-7 (eBook)VOLUME 3Ian Wallace (ed.)FEUCHTWANGER AND REMIGRATIONPeter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2013. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 3ISBN 978-3-0343-0919-6 pb. (Softcover)ISBN 978-3-0353-0359-9 (eBook)VOLUME 2Frank Stern (ed.)FEUCHTWANGER UND EXILGlaube und Kultur 1933-1945. «Der Tag wird kommen»Peter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2011Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 2Edited by Ian WallaceISBN 978-3-0343-0188-6 br.VOLUME 1Ian Wallace (ed.)FEUCHTWANGER AND FILMPeter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2009. Feuchtwanger Studies Vol. 1Edited by Ian WallaceISBN 978-3-03911/954/7 pb.To purchase these volumes, click here