Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award

What is the Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award for USC Students?

USC Libraries' Feuchtwanger Memorial Library supports travel for USC students (both undergraduate and graduate) to academic conferences to present research findings derived from consulting German exile studies primary source collections in Special Collections.

What can the travel award be used for?

The Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award for USC Students may be used for travel expenses to conferences to present papers based on research conducted using German Exile Studies collections at the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. Award funds may be used for conference registration fees, transportation costs, accommodations, and food expenditures incurred during the conference. Grant amounts are awarded up to $2000 and must be used within one year of notification of the award.

Who is eligible?

Full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at the University of Southern California who are presenting research that resulted from study of primary source collections at USC related to German exile studies at USC are invited to apply.

How do I apply?

Complete the application form and submit to:

Special Collections
Attn: Curator, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library
USC Libraries
Doheny Memorial Library, Room 206
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189

In addition to the form, applicants are asked to supply:

  1. Copy of conference abstract
  2. Notice of paper's acceptance, if available at time of application, or to be submitted at time of reimbursement
  3. Budget for requested travel funding
  4. Summary of USC exile studies collections consulted as part of this paper's research process
  5. Curriculum Vitae


When is the deadline?

Applications are accepted at any time and may be submitted before the conference or within 12 months following the conference date.

When will I know if I will receive a grant?

Applicants will be notified within two months of receipt of application.

How will the funds be allocated?

The Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award is provided as a reimbursement for expenses paid. Original invoices and receipts must be submitted following the conference for reimbursement. The Award is contingent on acceptance of the student's paper and the student's participation at the conference.

How will this research enhance the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library?

Winners of the Feuchtwanger Conference Travel Award for USC Students are asked to provide a copy of their completed research paper for addition into the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.