The Norris Library computer classroom is available for USC group computer training and testing.FeaturesClassroom contains 20 Windows 10 student stations, an instructor station with large screen projection, and a laptop connector to the projector. A USC NetID is required to log into the Conference Room stations. View installed software.ReservationsReservations are required. Make reservation or check availability on the computer classroom calendar. Specify software needs when making reservations. For additional information contact are required. Make reservation requests 24 hours or earlier ahead of your meetings.Show a valid Library borrower's card at the loan desk to obtain a room key.No food or drink is allowed.The computer classroom is located on the upper level.May only be reserved by USC faculty and staff for training and testing purposes.Reservations are limited to two per month.Exam set-up certifications are the responsibility of the departments using the room.At the end of the session, leave the room in an orderly condition, turn off the lights and lock the door.Report any equipment problems to the Loan Desk before leaving the library. Repair fees are assessed when applicable.The Library reserves the right to deny reservation requests and reschedule or cancel reservations up to 7 days prior to the event.Software not installed on classroom computers must be approved by Library IT and installed by the department using the room. Send these types of requests at least one week in advance to: Computers are re-imaged on a regular basis and previously installed software may not be available the next time the room is used.A $100/day charge applies to USC programs that charge for attendance or are grant-related.Reservations are required. For additional information, email
8am to 10pm NML - Study Areas Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Not Reservable No Whiteboard
8am to 10pm NML - Group Study Rooms No Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Reservable Whiteboard
8am to 10pm NML - Conference Rooms Computer Event Space Group Study Non-Individual Study projector Talking Allowed Reservable Whiteboard