I have a partial citation. Use the PubMed@USC Single Citation Matcher to quickly find the full citation for biomedical articles in PubMed@USC. I have a citation. Search the USC Libraries Catalog for the journal title to determine if USC subscribes to the journal. In the catalog record, you’ll find links to the electronic version of the journal or where to locate a print copy. Click the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page to open a search box. Change the search facet to Primo Everything. Search by article title. In the results, you'll find a link to the electronic version of the article or where to locate a print copy. I need to search for an article. View the Health Sciences A-Z List of Databases to select a health sciences-specific database. Search within the database to find articles. Need an article outside of health sciences? View The A-Z List of Databases to see all databases subscribed to by USC; then, search within the database to find articles. Want more help? Contact the library.