Study On! Anytime

Study OnLine

USC Students! Do you need tips on how to set yourself up for success this semester? Need to take a break from midterms? Are you ready for final exams? We're here for you!

Study On! provides both in-person (during Study Days) as well as anytime activities to support your physical and mental well-being. Utilize the resources below any time you need a break and be on the lookout for our end-of-semester events as well!


Anytime Activities: restorative breaks to maintain energy, calm, and focus

< 5 minutes


Ongoing Services

Library Support for Online Content and Research
Use our Ask a Librarian service for help with finding and using online resources, contacting a subject librarian, and answering Frequently Asked Questions. (USC Libraries)

Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity
Drop-in coaching, individual coaching sessions, on-demand workshops, tools and resources, calendar of online events (USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity)

GroupEx Classes - Zoom Classes
Online recorded and live workout classes (USC Recreational Sports)

Mindful USC Classes and Practice Groups
Ongoing training, practice groups and special events throughout USC.

Ask Ari
The Ask Ari wellbeing app delivers evidence-based recommendations, resources, and referrals on everything from stress, sleep and cognition to goals, relationships and more. (Campus Wellbeing & Education)

USC Student Health Services - Part of Keck Medicine of USC
Source for comprehensive healthcare on both USC’s University Park Campus (UPC) and Health Sciences Campus (HSC). Our services are covered by your mandatory Student Health Fee.

USC Student Health Counseling and Mental Health
 - Student counseling and mental health services for USC students.  Individual counseling, drop-in Let’s Talk…On Zoom sessions, group counseling via TeleHealth, workshops.  Make an appointment through MySHR (; or call 213-740-9355 (WELL).
 - USC's campus partner, the JED Foundation - JED's program Love is Louder Action Center is full of resources and tips for taking care of physical and mental health, and supporting each other during this time of uncertainty.