Course Reserves (ARES)

A single point access for instructors and students for online reserve services which can include articles from journals or periodicals or book chapters.


Access to USC Course Reserves requires your USC Net ID and password.


  • Access reserved full-text course materials


  • Create a course site(s) to centralize their physical and electronic reserves access for students
  • Submit physical reserve requests (book, personal book copies, DVDs, etc.) for their course(s)
  • Submit electronic reserve requests for articles, book chapters, and other materials from library resources
  • Upload their own or existing articles, book chapters, and other documents for their course(s)
  • Clone (copy) a class from a previous semester or year and re-post reserve items without having to resubmit individual requests the following semester  
  • Link to USC Libraries e-resources

For help with Course Reserves and contact information for more information, see this Course Reserves Guide