2013-2014 Fiscal Year Statistics

Circulation Gate Counts (UPC, HSC, Law) Grand Ave. Library
Circulation and Renewal Transactions Total gate count Materials paging
141,226 2,959,692 9,348


Total Volumes Titles Held Electronic Books
4,979,848 3,779,312 890,258

Digital Library

Page Views Unique Sessions Unique Users
1,879,501 472,207 396,368

Instructional Services

Orientations & Workshops Total Participants Undergraduate Instruction Sessions Total Participants Graduate Instruction Sessions Total Participants
209 12,033 427 9,586 124 2,639

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Total number of filled requests received from other libraries or providers Total number of filled requests provided to other libraries Physical Course Reserves Electronic Course Reserves Document Delivery Received Document Delivery Filled Home Delivery Received Home Delivery Filled
Requests filled Course Reserves Document Delivery Home Delivery
Received Provided Physical Electronic Received Filled Received Filled
18,788 22,227 11,065 373,668 9,744 xxx 291 xxx

Reference Interactions

Total Reference Interactions Online interactions In-person & phone interactions
64,500 6,789 57,810

Special Collections

Items checked out Visits report Activities report
2,888 1,680 1,855

Staff & Faculty

Total Staff & Faculty FTE Professional Staff Support Staff Student Assistants
286 110 101 75