GNC Participation Now at 22%, still below last year

In the USC Libraries first week of participation in the University's Good Neighbors Campaign, we went well above the first $1000, which Dean Quinlan offered to match.  Good news!

But now, 3 weeks in, we are lagging behind our participation rate of last year's, which was 23% - right now this year we are only at 22%.

I know we can do better than that!  Let's move up from the last third of the list of participants by unit.

Please give just a little to help those in the communities surrounding our campuses; GNC funds University/Community partnerships to bring services and resources to these communities.

If you need a form, or have questions, please contact Stephanie Foreman,, in the Dean's Suite.


Sara Tompson, on behalf of the Libraries GNC Team:  Stephanie F., Ross S., Autumn S. and me.