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Public domain and copyright protected images collected to assist in communicating complex meanings and issues through photographs. Check each image to determine use and availability.

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An international collaboration of cancer centers offering information for patient care, research, consumer health, and patient education. A free login is required to access some content.

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Data collected by state cancer registries enable public health professionals to understand and address the cancer burden more effectively. CDC provides support for states to maintain registries that provide high-quality data.

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Provides quick summaries of evidence-based medicine to evaluate therapies based on their patient benefits and harm using an in-house rating system to clearly highlight the benefits versus harm. Good for guidance on evaluating evidence-based studies.

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Collection comprising of e-books, e-journals, Q&A Bank, procedures descriptions and an abundance of images and videos, for training and clinical practice in neurosurgery and spine surgery.

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This clinical search engine allows users to quickly find high-quality research evidence to support practice or care. It also searches for images, videos, and patient education handouts.

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