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Nixon Years, 1969-1974

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This collection provides complete FCO 7 and FCO 82 files for the entire period of Richard Nixon’s presidency. Anglo-American discussions and briefing papers dominate these papers. There is also a wealth of material on social conditions, domestic reforms, trade, culture and the environment.

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Sage Data (formerly Data-Planet) is an interactive database that allows users to create tables, maps, and figures from a variety data sources covering banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more.

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SAGE eReference

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Sage e-Reference is a full-text collection of over 80 online specialized encyclopedias in the social sciences, including communications, gender studies, social work, history, psychology, etc.

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Search back files of Scientific American from 1845 to present.

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The Senate Executive Journals are the minutes of the meetings of the U.S. Senate - an official record of business on petitions, memorials, motions, bills, resolutions, and the votes on them.

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Translated Texts for Historians makes available sources translated from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian and Armenian, published between 300 and 800 AD.

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TRB is a searchable index of the Transportation Research Board. The TRB Publications Index contains over 21,000 annotated citations for all TRB and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) publications from the mid 1970s until present.

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The Transportation Research Board's Research in Progress (RiP) website contains the Research In Progress (RiP) Database and a data-entry system to allow users in State Departments of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and University Transportation Centers to add, modify and delete information on their current research projects. The RiP database now contains over 12100 current or recently completed transportation research projects.

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TRIS Online is a public-domain, web-based version of the Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) bibliographic database.

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