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Seoul Press Online

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The Seoul Press (publ. 1907-1937) was Japan’s Korean news flagship, its mission to validate the natural justice of Japanese imperialism in Korea, and Japan as the redeeming, organising and modernising force in East Asia. the Seoul Press represented the Japanese administration of Korea to the world.

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Contains over 1,300 digital lectures presented by well-known scholars and specialists. It covers architecture, art, literature, cinema, culture, music and philosophy of Korea. By DongBang Media.

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  • Asia


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Korean legal database for all law-related issues of Korea, such as statues, precedents, commentaries, administrative documents and statistics, academic articles, law journals, law-related news etc.

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  • Asia
This collection of films from the communist world reveals war, history, current affairs, culture and society as seen through the socialist lens. It spans most of the twentieth century and covers countries such as the USSR, Vietnam, China, Korea, much of Eastern Europe, the GDR, Britain and Cuba. The resource is provided by Adam Matthew.

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