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Time Magazine Archive

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The Time Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent weekly news magazine dating back to its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format. Published weekly by Time Inc., the magazine has focused on conveying to a broad audience both domestic and international news and analysis on a spectrum of subjects.

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Times Digital Archive

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Researchers can search through the complete digital edition of The Times (London), using keyword searching and hit-term highlighting to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page.

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Beginning with 1992, TOCS-In provides the tables of content from nearly 200 classics, near Eastern studies, and religion journals (over 75,000 articles) in text format and through a Web search program.

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This resource presents a wealth of highly illustrated primary source documents that highlight commercial tastes and consumer trends in America between 1850-1950.
The resource is provided by Adam Matthew.

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Translated Texts for Historians makes available sources translated from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian and Armenian, published between 300 and 800 AD.

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Translations of the Peking Gazette Online is a comprehensive database of English-language renderings of official edicts and memorials from the Qing dynasty that cover China’s long nineteenth century from the Macartney Mission in 1793 to the abdication of the last emperor in 1912. As the mouthpiece of the government, the Peking Gazette 京報 is the authoritative source for information about the Manchu state and its Han subjects as they collectively grappled with imperial decline, re-engaged with the wider world, and began mapping the path to China’s contemporary rise.

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TRB is a searchable index of the Transportation Research Board. The TRB Publications Index contains over 21,000 annotated citations for all TRB and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) publications from the mid 1970s until present.

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Women's Travel Diaries and Correspondence from The Schlesinger Library at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University. The resource is provided by Adam Matthew.

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The Transportation Research Board's Research in Progress (RiP) website contains the Research In Progress (RiP) Database and a data-entry system to allow users in State Departments of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and University Transportation Centers to add, modify and delete information on their current research projects. The RiP database now contains over 12100 current or recently completed transportation research projects.

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This resource combines the records from the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database.

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This clinical search engine allows users to quickly find high-quality research evidence to support practice or care. It also searches for images, videos, and patient education handouts.

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Trismegistos is a platform aiming to surmount barriers of language and discipline in the study of texts from the ancient world, particularly late period Egypt and the Nile valley (roughly BC 800 - 800 AD).

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TRIS Online is a public-domain, web-based version of the Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) bibliographic database.

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In order to access the videos users will need to click the "Register" button in the header to create an account (with a email).

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The collection includes 150,000 digitized pages of handbooks, manuals, textbooks, etiquette guides, self-help books, instructional pamphlets, and how-to books describing American attitudes towards family dynamics, gender roles, sexual relationships, and race relations. Much of the content includes images.

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Twentieth Century Drama

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Twentieth-Century Drama contains the essential collection of published plays from throughout the English-speaking world, covering the history of modern drama from the 1890s to the present day, alongside unpublished works by major writers and Pulitzer Prize winners. The collection's contents range from canonical authors such as George Bernard Shaw, Langston Hughes, Sean O'Casey, Noël Coward, Eugene O'Neill, Harold Pinter, Neil Simon, Tom Stoppard and Thornton Wilder, to off-Broadway experimentation and South African township theatre.

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Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Islam focuses on modern Islamic theology and tradition and details Islam’s evolution from the late 19th century by examining printed works and rare documents by Muslim writers, both non-Western and Western voices.

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