Koseisha Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei

The Koseisha database indexes magazines and periodical articles from the Meiji era 1868 to the present.

It includes periodicals locally published in Japan as well as those published in neighboring countries during the colonial times. The database is linked with the National Diet Library's Zasshi Kiji Sakuin (Japanese Periodical Index of 19,514 journals held by the NDL as of 4/6/10; find the journal list at: http://www.ndl.go.jp/jp/data/sakuin/sakuin_index.html), the National Institute of Informatics’ CiNii (a research article index; find the journal list at: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/cinii/servlet/DirTop?USELANG=en) and Webcat (a union catalog of the academic libraries in Japan). A journal list of the Koseisha database is not available. The number of simultaneous accesses is shared among the consortium of currently thirty-two (32) participating institutions.

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