Lola Selby

Social worker. Professor of social work.

Interviewed by John Milner. Date of interview: 9-21-89. 1 cassette tape (1 duplicate tape). Length of interview: 43 minutes. Transcript of interview: 16 pp. (2 copies of rough draft of transcript). CD containing interview and transcript.

Interview Topics

Entrance into social work; first positions as a social worker (during Depression); Teaching positions: University of Iowa, USC; work with field agencies; Chicano program; major university responsibilities; experience in Great Britain; development of program at USC (generic program); opinions of current social work practices.

Additional Materials

  • 1 diskette of transcript of interview.
  • 2 4 x 6 in. photographs of Lola Selby.
  • Articles and papers of Lola Selby.
  • Handwritten outline of interview , by John Milner.

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