(1910-2003). Professional social worker. Interviewed by Frances Lomas Feldman. Date of interview: 8-29-88 (reinterviewed 8-3-98 because of defective tape). 2 cassette tapes (1 duplicate tape). Length of interview: 43 minutes. Transcript of interview: 19 pp. CD containing interview and transcript. Interview Topics Family; education; marriage; first social worker in private practice; resistance to private practice from social work professionals; placement of disturbed youth in foster homes; work with Los Angles Dept. of Water and Power; activities after retirement. Additional Materials 1 diskette of transcript of interview. Speech given by Helen Gruenberg. Letter from Rhea Johnson to Gerda Lawrence, coordinator of the SCSW Awards committee, nominating Helen Gruenberg for society member of the year award (9-14-84). 1 2.5 x 5 in. color photograph of Helen Gruenberg. Download the transcript: » Transcript