USC Libraries at SLA Annual Conference

The USC Libraries recently sponsored the West Coast chapter's reception at the Special Libraries Association's (SLA) annual meeting from June 13-16 in New Orleans. The reception is held annually at the SLA conference, and it is hosted by a different chapter each year. 2010 was the Southern California chapter's turn. The event committee was led by Teresa Bailey, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and included David Cappoli, UCLA, Georgia Chadwick, Law Library of Louisiana, and Sara Tompson, USC Libraries. About 115 conference goers attended, despite a thunderstorm, including most of the SLA board members and board candidates. All said they enjoyed networking in the lovely venue--the Supreme Court of Louisiana building, as well as the fantastic food by New Orleans Catering

USC Libraries Sponsorship at SLA COnference

Jean Crampon, Norah Xiao, and Sara Tompson from the USC Libraries pose by the sponsors' sign (photo by Jason Kruppa, Law Library of Louisiana).