USC Libraries Photographer Wins Award at FotoWeekDC


Vidar's winning photo of Disney Concert Hall


Jon Vidar, photographer and multimedia services consultant for the USC Libraries, won an Award of Distinction at FotoWeekDC last Thursday for his self-portrait in front of the Disney Concert Hall in downtown L.A. You can read his account of the trip to D.C. on his blog and see a photo gallery from his trip. A few of the highlights were winning the award, seeing his work displayed in a Georgetown gallery, and getting photography advice from the senior photo editor of National Geographic. Here's what she had to say:

1) do your homework before starting a story. You need to know what the story is before going and shooting aimlessly. The narrative is more important than the single photo. 2) Find a niche market in photography and do it better than anyone else. For me, she got very excited when I told her that my background is in archaeology. Apparently, there are only a few photographers in the world that they can call on for that specialized field.

Vidar will give a lecture at the Badé Museum in Berkeley on December 3rd about his experiences photographing Kurdish refugee camps in northern iraq.