Top Ten LibGuides of 2009

The USC Libraries provide online access to 164 LibGuides on topics ranging from chemistry, communications, Japanese studies, and social work to using APA citation style, finding doctoral dissertations, and checking out DVDs from Leavey Library. USC librarians also created LibGuides for numerous Visions and Voices events over the last two years--helping USC students continue the learning process they begin at these cultural programs.

LibGuides have proved tremendously popular since their introduction in 2008. Starting last fall, librarians moved their subject-specific online resources into LibGuide formats, which support chat widgets, online video, RSS feeds, images, and a wide variety of other online content.

The Social Work LibGuide alone drew more than 58,000 page hits last year. The 10 most popular LibGuides of 2009 are listed below:

1. Social Work, 58,703 page hits
2. Music, 6798 page hits
3. Japanese Studies, 6621 page hits
4. Education, 6442 page hits
5. Communication Studies, 5629 page hits
6. Scholars, 4386 page hits
7. Doheny Circulation, 4211 page hits
8. RefWorks, 3810 page hits
9. DVDs in Leavey, 3626 page hits
10. Dissertations, 3555 page hits

You can also track this year's page hits on the LibGuides page. The Social Work and Dissertations LibGuides are currently leading the 2010 race, with 642 and 502 page hits respectively.