Read 19th Century Latin American Newspapers Online

Members of the USC community can now read 19th and early 20th century papers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. The World Newspaper Archive plans to add historically significant newspapers from Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Eastern and Central Europe.

  • El Mercurio - An important Spanish-language paper published in Santiago, often considered Chile's newspaper of record.
  • O Estado de São Paulo - This title (published as A Provincia de São Paulo until 1889) traces Brazil's history from an empire to a republic, and stands as one of Brazil's premiere newspapers.
  • La Razon, Argentina - An independent newspaper founded in 1905, which continues publishing today.
  • Mexican Herald - An English-language title bringing international and local news to the American expatriate community in Mexico.


The World Newspaper Archive is a collaborative effort among Center for Research Libraries member institutions such as the USC Libraries and Readex, a division of NewsBank that preserves historical newspapers from around the globe. Visit the Readex Web site for a complete list of Latin American newspapers that will soon appear in the archive.