Library Faculty Share Perspectives on Technology and Transformative Scholarship


Karen Howell (left) demonstrates library technologies to Mary Bruce from ITS while Deb Holmes-Wong (second from right) assists Larry Londre from the Annenberg School.


Robert Labaree, head of VKC Library, helped plan and organize the Teaching with Technology Conference. As part of the May 5 conference, which explored the theme, "the power of the edge," Deb Holmes-Wong, Karen Howell, and Sara Tompson demonstrated the USC Libraries Digital Archive, LibGuides, and other technologies that enhance research and learning at the university.

A member of the Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) faculty advisory committee, Labaree helped to devise this year’s conference theme, which highlights the transformative research occurring in the many centers, institutes, and labs across USC. Sessions covered a variety of topics and initiatives at USC, including the use of Shoah video testimonies in the classroom, scholarly publishing, the South Los Angeles Reporting Project, interactive gaming, and photo-realistic digital actors. Labaree moderated the panel about scholarly publishing, in which cinematic arts professor Tara McPherson was the featured speaker.

The conference drew an audience of 250 to the Radisson ballroom near the USC campus. The format was designed to encourage a quick-paced series of presentations with ample time for discussion, enabling participants to apply technological advances across disciplines and encourage greater insight into how to create a dynamic teaching and learning environment at USC.