The sixth in a series exploring the many USC Libraries. The previous post looked inside the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.
In many academic disciplines, a continuing trend has been the replacement of print and physical research resources by digital ones. That trend, however has largely avoided the academic discipline of music, according to Stephanie Bonjack, head of USC's Music Library. Music remains heavily rooted in print, Bonjack said, since scholars, students, and practitioners rely on printed scores, which aren't easily digitized.
That importance of physical media is reflected in the Music Library, which offers a strong collection of scores, in addition to books, academic journals, CDs, LPs, and even VHS tapes. The library's Scores Reference section contains the collected works of major composers, as well as monumental sets and series of traditional compositions or works with unknown composers. USC's Thornton School of Music maintains its own performance library for orchestral productions, but the Music Library does hold a collection of circulating scores that contain up to 10 parts for chamber ensembles.
One of the library's most heavily used resources is its recorded music collection, which includes almost 13,000 CDs. The collection is focused on classical works, covering anything that music students might learn in their lessons, but also includes contemporary, popular works, including an album by Lady Gaga. The library offers listening stations, with professional quality Sony headphones available for checkout (for library use only) from the circulation desk. Students, faculty, and staff also have the option to check out CDs, which circulate for three days, and listen at their own convenience from home.
While at the library, don't miss its signature space, the Herklotz Room. With a massive flat-screen television and seating for up to 24 people, the room is designed especially for multimedia uses. It can be reserved online for one-time class meetings and events by USC staff, faculty, and student organization. When not reserved, the room is open for individual study.
USC's Music Library is located on the ground floor of Doheny Memorial Library, close to the Nazarian Pavilion and Literatea. It is open during the Fall Semester from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 12 noon to 8 p.m. on Sundays.
Part of the Music Library's CD collection. (CDs can be checked out from the library's front desk.)