Enhanced Version of CIA World Factbook Now Available

Want to see global correlations between literacy and Internet use? GDP and military spending? The USC Libraries subscribe to Credo Reference's enhanced version of the CIA World Factbook, which offers specialized tools for comparative statistical analysis. You can access the resource from the libraries' e-resources pages.

In Credo's latest message to the USC Libraries and other subscribers, they include a walkthrough showing you how to compare data from Afghanistan and Tajikistan:

1) Visit the CIA World Factbook at https://search.credoreference.com/. You can also get there by clicking 'Find a Book' from within Credo Reference and searching for the title.

2) Click Afghanistan.

3) Note the drop-down menu under the map. You can add countries for comparison. For instance, compare Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

4) You can also select and combine topics from over two hundred data fields. Click one of the topics in the left column to compare across all countries. For instance, you can compare population below the poverty line to literacy rate. Use the drop-down menu to add more topics for comparison.

5) And, finally you can produce charts and graphs by exporting your data to Excel. Simply click on the Export/Excel button.

Credo will be offering training sessions to help you get the most out of this helpful resource. You can sign up for an online training session, where you'll learn about new and enhanced features plus new content.

Tuesday, 7 July
11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (US East Coast);
4:00pm British Summer Time (UK);
8:00am Pacific Daylight Time (US West Coast).

Thursday, 9 July
4:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (US East Coast);
1:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (US West Coast).

Thursday, 16 July
12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (US East Coast);
9:00am Pacific Daylight Time (US West Coast).  

To sign up for one of our upcoming sessions, please email your contact details to Credo Reference support.