3 Million Full-Text Google Book Search Links Added to Paratext's 19th-Century Masterfile

Since 2006, NCM has included OpenURL links for millions of entries, which have enabled libraries to easily route patrons to the library's full-text repositories.

As of this month, Paratext is pleased to announce we have deployed more than 3-million Google Book Search ™ links into Series I: Periodicals; and Series II: Books, of NCM.  This dramatically increases the value of the NCM service, without either increased prices or any technical modifications on your end.

Patrons can now access full-text via your Open URL links; via direct links Paratext has programmed to unique repositories (e.g. Hein Online or EBSCO's America: History and Life) as well as now via the direct links to full-text documents residing in the public domain on Google Book Search.™

Because the majority of content that NCM points you to would go undiscovered through any other route.  NCM's genre-specific structure and search capabilities provide access to troves of essential research-level materials. The materials selected for inclusion undergo continual editing and refinement to normalize bibliographic information and correct historical errors. Searching NCM unlocks materials which are nearly impossible to discover or put into context elsewhere.  The user can find precisely what they need, and then will often be delivered directly to the full-text, wherever it resides.

Within the coming months, Paratext will be adding millions of additional links to full-text sources across the five discrete NCM series. Our programmers are working daily to enhance this aspect of the service, which will boost full-text linking, additive to your library's own Open URL matches.  Moreover, additional historical finding aids are, as always, being added to augment the periodical, book, newspaper and government document series of NCM.

As the Paratext databases evolve, it is our intention that they provide unique, specialist search and browse capabilities that are strengthened by the expertise of their indices.  We actively embrace changing technology that allows patrons to springboard from an evolving suite of discovery tools straight into an ever-expanding collection of immediately-available full-text.