Reflections and other works

Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.; Scotto, Ottaviano, -1498, printer Publication Year: 1483 Publication Location: Venetiis : Per Octauianum Scotum Modoesiensem, quinto Kalendas iunius 28 May 1483
Full Title:

Meditationes [et alia opuscula] diui Autustini Episcopi Hippolensis


Augustine of Hippo was a Roman African, Christian theologian, and Neoplatonic philosopher from Numidia (present-day Algiers) whose writings had profound influences on the development of Christianity in the western world. This volume contains a number of Augustine's essays on a variety of theological topics, including the Virgin Mary and women, St. Peter, and his Confessions.

Conservation Needs:

Front and back boards deetached. Some pages detached. Leather on spine needs to be replaced.