Pharsalia; Libri quinque novite inventi

Author: Lucan, 39-65; Tacitus, Cornelius Publication Year: 1515 Publication Location: Rome : Stephanus Guileretus
Full Title:

M. Annei Lucani Cordu bensis pharsalia diligentissime per G. Versellanum recognita : cum commentariis. Ioannis Sulpitii Verulani eruditio[n]is bonae plenis. Philippi Beroaldi Bononien[sis]. nuper repertis. Iodoci Badii Ascensii perq[uibus] familiaribus. Cumq[ue] ad castigationem adnotatis. Ab Anto. Sabellico. Iacobo Bononien[sis]. Philippo Beroaldo. Baptista pio. Et quibusdam aliis.; P. Cornelii Taciti libri qvinqve noviter inventi atqve cvm religvis eivs operibvs editi : ne quis intra decennium presens opus possit alicubi impune imprimere aut impressum vendere grauissimis edictis cautum est.


Marcus Annaeus Lucan was a Roman poet, best known for his epic poem "Pharsalia". Tacitus was a Roman senator and historian of the Empire. He is generally considered one of the greatest Roman historians, and is known for the brevity of his prose and his insights into the psychology of the politics of power. This book includes both Lucan's "Pharsalia" and works by Tacitus bound together (a common practice in the pre-modern world).

Conservation Needs:

Previous repair work is deteriorating. Spine and hinges need reinforcing and new leather. Requires a custom box for long term preservation.