[Collected works of Flavius Josephus]

Author: Josephus, Flavius Publication Year: 1587 Publication Location: Strassburg : Theodosium Rihel
Full Title:

Flauij Josephi des Hochberühmten Jüdischen Geschichtsschreibers Historien vnd Bücher : Von alten Jüdischen Geschichten zwentzig sambt eynem von seinem Leben: vom Jüdischen Krieg vnd der Statt Jerusalem vnd des gantzen Lands zerstörung siben: von der Juden altem Herkommen wider Apionem Grammaticum zwey: von Meysterschafft der Vernunfft vnd der Machabeer Martereyns. Alles ausz dem Griechischen Exemplar samt aller Bücher vnd Capitel summarischer Inrhalt mit höchstem Fleisz von newem verteutscht vnnd jugerichtet darzu mit Biblischen Concordantzen Jarrechnung ordentlichem Register vnd schönen Figuren deszgleichen vorhin im Truck nie auszgangen gezieret. Mit Römischer Rey. Maiest. Freiheyt.


Titus Flavius Josephus was a first-century Romano-Jewish historian who was born in Jerusalem. He fought against the Romans during the First Jewish–Roman War as head of Jewish forces in Galilee, but surrendered in 67 CE to Roman forces led by Vespasian. After Vespasian became Emperor in 69 CE, he granted Josephus his freedom, at which time Josephus assumed the emperor's family name of Flavius. Josephus recorded Jewish history, with special emphasis on the first century CE and the First Jewish–Roman War (66–70 CE), including the Siege of Masada. His most important works were The Jewish War (c. 75) and Antiquities of the Jews (c. 94). The Jewish War recounts the Jewish revolt against Roman occupation. Antiquities of the Jews recounts the history of the world from a Jewish perspective for an ostensibly Greek and Roman audience. These works provide valuable insight into first century Judaism and the background of Early Christianity, although not specifically mentioned by Josephus. Josephus' works are the chief source next to the Bible for the history and antiquity of ancient Palestine.

Conservation Needs:

Leather on front and back covers needs repair; spine needs repair. Requires a custom box for long term preservation