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This site supplies information on the history, economy, and politics of countries and territories.

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This site is one of the fastest ways to find information about the exploitive practices of 4000 businesses worldwide, which would be difficult to locate by other means.

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Keesing's World News Archive contains about 95,000 unbiased, full-text reports of the most historically significant political, social, and economic events of the world since 1931.

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Over 100 indicators of child well-being, including economic status, health, safety, and risk factors on the local community, city, state, and national level.

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Left Index

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Focused on the political, social, economic and cultural issues of the Left, the Left Index has been under production since 1982 and contains nearly 60,000 records (many with abstracts since the year 2000).

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Legislative Insight

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ProQuest Legislative Insight is a Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text publications (all PDF format) created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws.

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LLMC is a non-profit cooperative of libraries dedicated to the twin goals of, preserving legal titles and government documents on film, while making copies inexpensively available either in microfiche format or digitally through its on-line service /LLMC-Digital.

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