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Allows searching in multiple languages by both common and scientific name. It is produced by an international consortium of institutions led by the WorldFish Center. It includes environment, distribution, morphology, family, order, and class for economically important species, as well as photographs and maps. It is updated continually.

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Multilingual, multidisciplinary information in the humanities (63%), social sciences (33%), and economics (4%).

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Created through a partnership between NASA and the Internet Archive, NASA imagines offers public access to NASA's image, video, and audio collections in a single, searchable resource.

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The National Ocean Service (NOS) studies, monitors, and protects coastaland marine areas in the United States.

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The National Sea Grant Library, NSGL, (formerly known as the National Sea Grant Depository) was established in 1970 as an archive and lending library for Sea Grant funded documents.

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration site resources available include government documents, photographs, maps, and rare and archival materials.

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Sage Data (formerly Data-Planet) is an interactive database that allows users to create tables, maps, and figures from a variety data sources covering banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more.

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The Science Citation Index, a part of the Web of Science, is a multidisciplinary database of bibliographic information indexed so that you can search for specific articles by subject, author, journal, and/or author address.

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