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E-corpus is a collective digital library that catalogs and disseminates numerous documents: manuscripts, archives, books, journals, prints, audio recordings, video, etc.

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Includes access to Early American Newspapers, Series 1, 1690-1876, Series 2, 1758-1900, and 12 ERA collections covering 1690-1815 and 1866-1889. Overall, this collection includes over 1,100 newspapers.

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Indexes to journals, newspapers, books, documents, artwork, and images primarily from the 12th century through 1960. Includes multidisciplinary coverage of primary materials in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, History of Science, Law, Economics, Religion, Psychology, Government Documents, Visual Arts, Music, and the Physical Sciences.

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The purpose of Eighteenth Century Journals: A Portal for Newspapers and Periodicals, c1685-1835 is to make available digitally for the first time unique or extremely rare eighteenth century periodicals. The resource is provided by Adam Matthew.

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Articles from key journals and books in the fields of management, information science and engineering. Most, but not all, journals and books provide full-text access.

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Ethnic NewsWatch

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Ethnic NewsWatch now includes two collections: 1) Ethnic NewsWatch, a current collection (1990-present) of newspapers,magazines and journals from ethnic and minority presses.

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March of Time

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From 1935-1967, American theatergoers and television watchers were witness to Time Inc.'s unique and controversial newsreel series, The March of Time.

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Meet the Press

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Meet the Press is making over 1,500 hours of footage, the full surviving broadcast run to date, €”available online in one cross-searchable interface.

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An Internet-based service of translated news briefs covering key political, cultural, economic, and opinion pieces appearing in the Arab media.

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Yomidas Rekishikan

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Yomidas Rekishikan is the full text database of The Yomiuri Shinbun, containing more than 10 million articles carried by the newspaper since its inaugural issue in 1874.

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