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Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective offers indexing for more than 1,400 periodicals €”with citations to more than three million articles €”this database is the perfect reference for tracking down important studies, exploring historic controversies, finding papers by innovators, researching the development of particular technologies, and more.

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Contains the table of contents pages and holdings information from more than 13,000 journals in science, technology, medicine, social science, business, the humanities, and popular culture. Although most of the journals are published in English, journals in other languages are also included. Updated daily.

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Ebooks is a catalog portal to the substantial sub-set of electronic books, in all subject areas, included in OCLC WorldCat.

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This web site provides access to the full-text content of 4,274 e-books purchased by the USC Libraries from netLibrary.

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ECD includes scientific and technical research results in disciplines of interest to DOE such as chemistry, physics, materials, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, and computer science.

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Sage Data (formerly Data-Planet) is an interactive database that allows users to create tables, maps, and figures from a variety data sources covering banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more.

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The Science Citation Index, a part of the Web of Science, is a multidisciplinary database of bibliographic information indexed so that you can search for specific articles by subject, author, journal, and/or author address.

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