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Developed by the Shanghai Library, Late Qing/Republican Periodicals Database provides full-text access to thousands of periodicals and magazines published in China from 1833 to 1949.

Only 1 user is allowed to access the database at one time.

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Korean legal database for all law-related issues of Korea, such as statues, precedents, commentaries, administrative documents and statistics, academic articles, law journals, law-related news etc.

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Full-text Korean newspaper article database offering:
- Tonga ilbo東亞日報 = Dong-A ilbo : 1920-1999
- Kyŏnghyang sinmun 京鄕新聞 = Kyunghyang Shinmun : 1946-1999
- Maeil kyŏngje sinmun每日經濟新聞 = Maeil Business Newspaper : 1966-1999
- Han’gyŏre 한겨레 = The Hankyoreh : 1988-1999

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Developed by the National Central Library in Taiwan. Provides citations and some full texts of Chinese and Western-language journals primarily published in Taiwan and some in Hong Kong and Macau since 1970. Also includes some journals published prior to 1970.

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Nikkei Telecom 21

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Nikkei Telecom21 is the Japan's largest online database on business.
Access to the database is limited to 1 user.

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NK Pro

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NK Pro (language: English) provides North Korea news, data analysis tools such as the North Korea Leadership Tracker, the North Korea Ship Tracker, the North Korea Aviation Tracker, Leading Indicator, and KCNA Watch.

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Includes thousands of Chinese journals in the humanities and social sciences from mainland China from 1997 on. Also includes select monographic series titles, such as 元史及民族与边疆研究集刊, 藏外佛教文献, etc.

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Contains full text and abstracts of theses and dissertations in the humanities and social sciences from key research institutions in mainland China.

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Covers a wide range of Chinese laws, regulations and policies at both national and regional levels, international treaties and conventions, and judicial cases and interpretation from 1949 onward.

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Includes 20,000+ volumes and 650,000+ articles of Chinese literary and historical materials compiled by the national and local government agencies mostly during the 1980s and 1990s. To access the database, please click the link “click to enter” on the homepage, then click “文史资料专题库 (第一期)" under “SuperStar specialty” section, and then you will then be able to browse and search the wenshi ziliao collection.

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