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Allows searching in multiple languages by both common and scientific name. It is produced by an international consortium of institutions led by the WorldFish Center. It includes environment, distribution, morphology, family, order, and class for economically important species, as well as photographs and maps. It is updated continually.

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Multilingual, multidisciplinary information in the humanities (63%), social sciences (33%), and economics (4%).

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM) resources were developed to provide users of NLM's toxicology databases with a working knowledge of basic toxicology principles. The tutorials are written at the introductory college student level. Toxicology Tutors are called "Tox Tutors" and "ToxLearn" is the updated expansion of "Tox Tutors."

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Primal Pictures

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A dynamic interactive multimedia overview of human anatomy featuring three-dimensional animations, dissections and MRI. May be used with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

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This database provides access to a wide range of biology topics including some of the most popular information resources for users in academic, government and public research environments.

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PubMed provides access to millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Limit your search to 'free full-text' to find items freely available without subscriptions.

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