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Embase provides access to over more than 29 million citations for biomedical articles and conference proceedings. This version has been customized for USC users to find the full-text of articles from library holdings.

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Natural Medicines

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Evidence-based monographs and clinical summaries for alternative and complementary therapies, including herbs, vitamins, dietary supplements, and integrative therapies. Includes information from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and other holistic wellness systems.

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Abstract and citation database of scholarly literature in psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. Includes journal articles, books, reports, theses, and dissertations from 1806 to present.

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PubMed provides access to millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Limit your search to 'free full-text' to find items freely available without subscriptions.

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