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Multilingual, multidisciplinary information in the humanities (63%), social sciences (33%), and economics (4%).

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Contains links to numerous English-language Bibles as well as Latin (Latin Vulgate), Greek and Hebrew editions, some of which have been scanned.

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Schillers Werke

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Friedrich Schiller's (1759-1805) literary works, his writings on history, and his philosophical and critical works have been extremely influential.

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The Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the social sciences. It indexes 1,700 journals spanning 50 disciplines, as well as covering individually selected, relevant items from over 3,300 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals.

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The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a freely available online encyclopedia pertaining to all issues in philosophy and written by contemporary philosophers from various institutions of higher learning.

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Presents nearly 55,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the anti-Rohingya violence in Myanmar, the Cambodian Genocide, the Central African Republic Conflict, contemporary antisemitism, the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the Guatemalan Genocide, and the Nanjing Massacre. The interviews were conducted in 65 countries and 43 languages.

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