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Korea A2Z

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Full-text database on classical Korean literary works, history records, and articles from old newspapers & journals. Includes Samguk Sagi (삼국사기), Saso Samgyong (사서삼경), and the Digital Encyclopedia of National Culture (EncyKorea). By DongBang Media.

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Collection of excavation reports of historical sites in Korea, which consists of research reports, catalogs and maps related to Korean geography, history, folklore, and architecture. By ZININZIN.

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The unified database of Korea Social Science Data Center, which includes statistical yearbooks published by government, public institutions and overseas institutions of Korea.

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Contains over 1,300 digital lectures presented by well-known scholars and specialists. It covers architecture, art, literature, cinema, culture, music and philosophy of Korea. By DongBang Media.

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Korean legal database for all law-related issues of Korea, such as statues, precedents, commentaries, administrative documents and statistics, academic articles, law journals, law-related news etc.

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Integrated database for most major newspapers published in Korea 1990-present. Some 50 papers are covered, including two English papers. Older (1960-1989) articles available in PDF (non-searchable) for 경향신문, 동아일보, 서울신문, 한국일보.

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