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Search for approved United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) medical devices. Results include links to device summary information, manufacturer, approval date, user instructions, and other consumer information.

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Search for prescription and over the counter drugs approved for sale in the United States; find approved labels, original application documents as submitted by the drug company, and replies from the Food and Drug Administration.

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Online Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, an index of medical and scientific publications from 1880-1961; eTK, covering medieval Latin; eVK2, covering medieval English texts; and other selected historical resources.

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Contains nearly 200 Social Science databases covering all 50 U.S. states. The California (CA) collection contains these 200 U.S. databases, plus about 80 detailed databases on California. The Texas (TX) collection contains these 200 U.S. databases, plus about 60 detailed databases on Texas.

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