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Developed by National Palace Museum and Soochow University in Taipei. The largest encyclopedia in pre-modern China. Compiled in the early 18th century, it was intended to be a comprehensive survey of all branches of knowledge and includes a large number of illustrations.

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A collection of advice on writing and usage containing definitions, suggestions, rules for spelling, information on diagramming sentences, etc. Includes numerous computer-graded quizzes.

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Summaries of guidelines and recommendations from United Kingdom governmental agencies and European and global professional groups. Includes links to full-text of guidelines. Registration is not required to access guidelines.

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Gunsho Ruiji

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Is a major collection of Japanese manuscripts from the premodern through early modern periods compiled by Hanawa Hokiichi in the early nineteenth century. Categories cover history, literature, religion, language, customs, art, music, cultivated arts, education, morality, legal codes, politics, economy, and society. This database includes the original publication Gunsho Ruiju, a second installment Zoku Gunsho Ruiju, and the third (final) installment Zoku zoku Gunsho Ruiju.

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The Gutenberg-e prize winning books represent the most distinguished and innovative scholarship delivered with creative and thoughtful use of digital technology.

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