Two group study rooms are available on the 2nd floor. Each room accommodates groups of 4 to 6 students. Group study rooms are equipped white boards, 55" monitors with HDMI and USB-C connections, and webcams for videoconferencing. Group Study Room Reservation Policies and ProceduresRESERVATIONS HAVE PRIORITY. If you are using a room and do not have a valid reservation, you must leave when asked by a group that has a valid reservation.Priority use is given to GROUPS OF FOUR or more. Reservations may be made in 1-hour blocks of time; maximum 2 hours per day, per personThere is a TEN-MINUTE GRACE PERIOD. If group does not arrive in the first 15 minutes of the confirmed reservation, then the reservation is invalid, and another group can take the room. If you leave a room unoccupied after the grace period has expired, another group may take the room. Any belongings left in an unoccupied room will be turned in to the library Lost and Found.Reservations are available 7 days in advanceNO FOOD OR DRINKS ALLOWED IN THE ROOM. Reserve these rooms online at