Exhibition Opening: Dr. Theodore Hsi-en Chen (1902-1991): Chinese American Education Pioneer and Founder of East Asian Studies at USC
Add to Calendar 2023-02-17 14:00:00 2023-02-17 15:30:00 Exhibition Opening: Dr. Theodore Hsi-en Chen (1902-1991): Chinese American Education Pioneer and Founder of East Asian Studies at USC Doheny Memorial Library 02:00 pm 03:30 pm America/Los_Angeles public

Dr. Chen Exhibition Opening Reception
Dr. Theodore Hsi-en Chen (1902-1991): Chinese American Education Pioneer and Founder of East Asian Studies at USC 陳錫恩教授紀念展: 華裔美籍教育先驅者和南加大東亞研究的奠基者
Time and location: 2-3:30 pm, February 17; East Asian Library seminar room (110C)
Description: Dr. Theodore Hsi-en Chen (1902-1991) was the first professor of Chinese descent at the University of Southern California (USC). He was Professor of Education, Chair of the Department of Asian Studies (predecessor to the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures ) in 1941-1968, and Founding Director of the East Asian Studies Center at USC in 1960-1971, and was elected President of the China Society of Southern California for 1942-1944, the country's oldest Sino-American organization of its kind.
This exhibition, co-organized by Li-Ping Chen (Postdoctoral Scholar and Teaching Fellow, East Asian Studies Center, USC) and Tang Li (Acting Head and Chinese Studies Librarian, USC's East Asian Library), is in association with a Scalar project and a panel discussion about Dr. Chen's life and legacy hosted by USC Libraries on April 18, 2023.