Free registration is required to access all content.
1. Use this link to go to USC Libraries' subscription to Cardiosource Plus for Institutions.
2. After logging in with your USC NetID and password, you will be prompted to log in to the website.
3. Users that have an existing personal account can login with their existing credentials and access the modules.
If you have not previously made an account, use the “Create Free Account” command under the login form to make a personal username and password.
4. After signing in with your personal account, you will see the courses currently included in this subscription and can launch the course.
All users MUST login with their USC NetID via the Ovid interface before logging in to their personal account, in order to access the materials licensed by the USC Libraries.
1. Use this link to go to USC Libraries' subscription to Cardiosource Plus for Institutions.
2. After logging in with your USC NetID and password, you will be prompted to log in to the website.
3. Users that have an existing personal account can login with their existing credentials and access the modules.
If you have not previously made an account, use the “Create Free Account” command under the login form to make a personal username and password.
4. After signing in with your personal account, you will see the courses currently included in this subscription and can launch the course.
All users MUST login with their USC NetID via the Ovid interface before logging in to their personal account, in order to access the materials licensed by the USC Libraries.