Ismael Dieppa

An interview with Ismael Dieppa, PhD discussing his trail blazing career as a leader in Social Work that saw the push for change in minority communities.

California Social Work Hall of Distinction Biography

Interviewed by Manuel Fimbres. Date of Interview: 10-05-13. Length of interview: 54 minutes. DVD containing interview.

Interview Topics

(0:38) Introduction. (1:42) Starting out in Social Work . (3:23) Founding Puerto Rico Neighborhood Newcomers Project after graduating from Boston University. (4:28) Applying for master's degree in public health . (4:58) Moving to Fresno and becoming director of the North Avenue Community Center. (6:03) Political, Social, and Economic Climate after coming back from Korea . (9:20) Being excluded from ASW and CSWE. (11:03) Joining forces with Martin Luther King Jr. and African American community as Mexican American Political Association President. (11:46) Participating in first strike in Delano, California . (14:10) Training Mexican American farm workers in organizing tactics and strategies . (15:50) Being grounded in Christian values and facing oppression . (19:16) Most gratifying position held . (21:34) Reaching out to Hispanic and American Indian population in the South West . (23:20) Working at San Jose State with mission to educate and prepare social workers for practice in Hispanic communities in California . (25:00) Strategies used to achieve success . (28:40) Mentors and people he looked towards for advice . (30:50) What issues should be addressed today by the Social work profession . (38:37) Where is his hope . (41:10) Highlights of Latino Social work profession in California . (46:21) Most satisfying experience . (47:51) Most difficult experience . (52:10) What he would do differently if he could do it all again . (53:30) Closing