Kick-Off Event for USC Libraries Good Neighbors Campaign

For over 15 years, our university has organized a giving campaign focused on supporting the neighborhoods near our campuses, the Good Neighbors Campaign. The core of GNC is  USC Neighborhood Outreach, which focuses on University/Community partnerships. However employees may also contribute to the programs of the United Way

The USC Libraries has embraced the "tradition of giving" (the GNC theme) from the very beginning, but the USC Libraries GNC 2008 Team* is hoping for more "participation please" - which is our theme for this year. Supporting the community surrounding our workplace advances two values defined by our strategic plan:  Social Responsibility and Service Excellence.

The kick-off event is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 3:00 p.m. in Doheny Library, DML 240.

GNC Kickoff Agenda

  • Entrance
    • Raffle tickets
    • Door prizes for all
    • GNC posters for unit heads
  • Remarks by Dean Catherine Quinlan
  • "A Tradition of Giving" video
  • Guest Speaker - GNC Recipient
  • Closing Remarks by Ross Scimeca
  • Cake, coffee, lemonade and donations sign-up
  • Raffle winners

Watch for our Hallowe'en Last Hurrah for GNC on Wednesday October 29th!


*(GNC Team:  Stephanie Foreman, Ross Scimeca, Autumn Solomon, and Sara Tompson)